
Office hours

Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm


Berlin Bytes GmbH

Am Friedrichshain 1, 10407 Berlin, Germany

Contact details


Contact number: +49 (0) 162 275 96 95

Bank details

Berlin Bytes GmbH DB Privat und Firmenkundenbank (Deutsche Bank PGK) F 700 IBAN: DE55 1007 0024 0895 8795 00 BIC: DEUTDEDBBER

Managing Directors

David Henkel, Friedrich Staufenbiel, Martin Röchow


Registered in the German Commercial Register.

Register Court: Charlottenburg Berlin Register No.: HRB 211766 B VAT Identification No. 27 a UstG (German Value Added Taxt Act): DE327076672 Responsible for content of Berlin Bytes GmbH pursuant to 55 sub-section 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement) gem. 55 RStV: David Henkel